A COVID-19 Funeral Case
A while ago, I received a case of a deceased who passed on due to the COVID-19 infection.
Facing the loss of a loved one, the bereaved family members will feel extremely heartbroken and lost. Not to mention when the deceased had passed on with COVID-19 infection, the bereaved family members will feel even more confused and fearful. After all, the funeral process and procedures for COVID-19 cases are different from the general funeral process. The bereaved families will be more clueless and don’t know where to get help from.
When I first got the call from the bereaved family, I could feel their panic, helplessness, and grief. Through our conversation, I acknowledged that their father is a very loving and amazing father with a good personality. Their words showed their love and longing for their father. Especially during their eulogy at the cremation service, I can even feel their love and awe for this father.
Although it was a simple funeral service, we made sure that everything went smoothly for the family to send off their beloved father. Although they will still feel pain and grief when they think of their beloved father, they can now feel at ease because they know that their father is already in heaven, resting in the Lord’s arms, in a place where there is no sickness or tears.
They also know that one day they will be reunited as a whole in heaven. There is nothing else in the world that could better comfort the bereaved family than this. I am also glad to accompany the bereaved family to go through this season of grief together.
I also hope that this post can reach more people out there. Passion strives to help any family who faced difficulties because they lost their beloved ones or has a loved one who has passed on due to COVID-19.
All glory to God, Amen!