Passion’s Mission and Vision

Passion provides a comprehensive range of funeral service package for Christians. As Christians, we believe that memorial ceremonies are akin to weddings.

The bible stated in [Revelation 21:2]:
“I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.”

So, death is not the end of life for us, but to return to our Lord’s side! It symbolized that the bridegroom has come to welcome the bride back to our home of heaven. It is a feast for the bridegroom and the bride.

Our mission is to provide the deceased with a dignified funeral service as well as honor him/her by dressing him/her up beautifully like a bride waiting to be received back into Heaven to be by our Lord Jesus’s side.

We pay great attention to funeral wake details and ensure all funeral arrangements are managed well for the family. We aim to create a place of warmth and calmness for the deceased’s loved ones by refurbishing the funeral wake location (be it a HDB void deck or a funeral parlor) into a place of purity and nobility.

At each and every funeral wake, our team serves with HIS love, passionately seeking to honor, remember, and respect the life of each precious individual with his/her loved ones.

Thanks be to God, family members and relatives who came to express their condolences had shared that they felt calm and serene at the funeral. I am deeply touched by such sharing as I strongly believe this will also bring great comfort to the family.

Glory to God!

Passion 是一家以基督教的丧礼为主,结合了追思与新妇概念的殡葬公司。


如启示录所说的 :
【启 21:2】
“我又看见圣城新耶路撒冷由 神那里从天而降,预备好了,就如新妇妆饰整齐,等候丈夫。”







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